


Rose Oolong Tea for Fitness: Slimming Never Smells This Good!

Rose Oolong Tea for Fitness: Slimming Never Smells This Good!


Rose oolong tea can be a godsend regarding slimming and fitness. You can’t deny how much Taiwan’s oolong tea oozes with plant nutrients: catechins and powerful antioxidants that fight the deadliest diseases known to man. But, even with all the goodness, rose in the mix makes the drink even more formidable. 

Roses have traditionally been relegated to the role of eye candy, providing our most-cherished occasions with more Instagrammable memories. Truth be told, however, rose has medicinal significance far more than meets the eye. 

For starters, they can smoothen the respiratory system and actively reduce stress. Best of all, the drink can help speed up body fat burning over time resulting in weight loss. 

Indeed, rose oolong is timely. As we celebrate International Worker’s Day this May 1, you should unwind, relax, and enjoy the holiday with our rose oolong tea, best served either hot or cold!

Fun fact: All roses are edible. That’s a telltale sign that an aqueous extract of these beautiful flowers is an aromatic masterpiece and a glorious path to slimming and fitness. 

So, without further ado, let’s explore the myriad ways rose oolong is the aromatic blend key to cutting down those fats and, by extrapolation, living the life you always wanted. Indeed, slimming never smells this good. Read on. 


The Medicinal Benefits of Rose 

Before we take a closer look at the overall benefits of rose oolong tea, let’s peek at how rose has proven its worth with tremendous medical benefits. Already, the semi-oxidized leaves from the Camella Sinensis evergreen shrub have been associated with tons of health benefits, from heart disease to cancer

But here are a few more medicinal properties that the beautiful rose flower puts on the table. 


Enhances Your Respiratory System 

It may surprise you to know that all rose plants are edible. Though certain varieties taste better, the plant is edible, from the flowers to its buds and petals. So, making an aromatic herbal beverage from a rose is undoubtedly a blessing. 

Moreover, research showed that the rose plant has significantly reduced the coughs induced by citric acid in guinea pigs. Even better, the aqueous solution has been found to exhibit a relaxant effect on the tracheal muscle of these pigs.


Reduce Stress

For the longest time, people have made the most of rose oil for its therapeutic properties, including reducing stress and nervous tension. One study revealed that male mice under chronic stress lowered their stress when induced with French rose extract.



Now, if you take a closer look at beauty products, chances are you’ll discover that rosewater is one of the more prominent ingredients. There’s a reason for this. 

At the center of it all are the rose plant's anti-aging properties. Research shows that the rose plant is rich in antioxidants which help fight the adverse effects of free radicals at the cellular level. 


Aids the Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System (CNS) is like the computer in every human as it controls most bodily and mental functions. In essence, it’s the backbone of your overall health. 

Studies have shown that the flowering tops of the Damask rose have antidepressant and antianxiety effects. Said research showed the rose plant's powerful hypnotic effect on mice's CNS. Rodents given rose extracts increased their sleeping times tremendously. Plus, it promoted nerve growth in them


Fights Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most lethal diseases that slowly kills humans. In the US alone, 11.3% of the population has diabetes. That’s about 37.3 million people. Worse, an estimated 8.5 million more Americans don’t know they have the disease. 

The study, the rose plant can provide a way to help contain diabetes. Diabetic rats that were orally treated with the methanol extract of the Damask rose showed great results as their blood glucose decreased significantly. Plus, polyphenols in rose tea could help keep type-2 diabetes at bay.


Now, combine oolong's myriad health benefits with those of the rose plant. Indeed, it’s nothing short of groundbreaking. And the top of that list is how rose oolong tea can contribute to shedding extra fats.  



5 Ways Rose Oolong Tea is Best for Fitness

Try rose oolong tea if you want a delicious and healthy beverage that can boost your fitness goals. This aromatic tea is a blend of oolong tea and rose petals, which offer a range of benefits for your body and mind. Here are five ways rose oolong tea is best for fitness.


1. It boosts your metabolism and burns fat.

Oolong tea is a partially oxidized tea that has been shown to increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories and fat. This is partly due to the caffeine and antioxidants in oolong tea, which stimulate your nervous system and enhance your energy expenditure.

Furthermore, rose petals also contain antioxidants that may help prevent oxidative stress and inflammation, which can impair your metabolism and cause weight gain. In this sense, these beautiful petals can minimize your chances of getting fat. 

You might be wondering why the emphasis is on less body fat. Is being fat anathema to being sick? 

It’s simple. According to CDC data, government studies reveal that overweight people are at greater risk of serious diseases and health conditions. These include: 

  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  •  All causes of death (mortality).
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia).
  • Stroke.
  • Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint).
  • Gallbladder disease.
  • Many types of cancer.
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems.
  • Low quality of life.
  • Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning.

In short, fatter people are less likely to live longer. Shedding fat is, therefore, not just a matter of aesthetics but also a matter of quality living. 

In those who were moderately obese (BMI 30 to 35, which is now common), the lifespan was reduced by three years. Severe obesity (BMI 40 to 50, which is still uncommon) reduced life expectancy by about 10 years; this is similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.

  • the University of Oxford
  • Rose oolong should be good news for anyone packing lots of weight. In America alone, over 70 million adults are overweight (35 million men and 35 million women). Worse, another 90 million adults are obese. 


    2. It hydrates you and aids in weight loss.

    Rose oolong tea is primarily made of water, which is essential for hydration and health. Drinking enough water can prevent dehydration, which can cause fatigue, headaches, skin problems, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate. 

    Water can also help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, feeling fuller, and reducing your calorie intake. Rose oolong tea is a tasty way to increase your water intake and enjoy its weight loss benefits.

    The experience should please you. The tea itself is exquisite, with an aromatic experience like no other. That’s the beauty of this floral oolong tea. It comes with lively notes peculiar to fresh greens and is perfectly combined with the enchanting aroma of rose blossoms. 

    That means you’re highly likely to go for another cuppa. And that hydrates you better right there. 


    3.  It improves your skin and hair.

    Rose oolong tea is rich in vitamin C, a vital nutrient for skin and hair health. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, a protein that gives skin elasticity and strength. 

    Plus, it also protects your skin from sun damage, aging, and acne. Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy hair by preventing hair loss, dryness, and brittleness. Rose oolong tea gives you the vitamin C and other antioxidants you need to improve your skin and hair appearance.

    And true enough, a host of celebrities from the past and to the present have been sticking to tea to keep themselves in tip-top shape both outside and inside. Some of these names are: 

    The Beatles drinking tea session.  The Beatles drinking tea session. (Imgur free photo)


    4. It relieves menstrual pain and stress.

    Rose oolong tea may be especially beneficial for women who suffer from menstrual pain and stress. Rose petals have been used for centuries to ease menstrual cramps, bleeding, and mood swings. They may work by relaxing the uterine muscles and balancing the hormones.  

    Oolong tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that can promote relaxation and cognitive performance. L-theanine can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain. 

    Now, if you haven’t heard of serotonin or dopamine, it’s high time you do. These molecules play a huge role in giving your body that sense of pleasure.  

    Once released in our brains, dopamine gives us a sense of temporary pleasure. Serotonin is more long-lasting and also creates a feeling of well-being or happiness 

    You can call these chemicals our very own happy chemicals. And L-theanine in floral oolong can help increase their production. Small wonder you feel satisfied when you drink oolong tea. This is also the reason why oolong is best for seniors. 

    Here are 7 medicinal benefits seniors can enjoy from floral oolong or, for that matter, oolong. Unsurprisingly, the L-theanine in oolong has also been associated with lowering the risk of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s


    5.  It protects against diabetes and cancer.

    Rose oolong tea may also help prevent or manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Oolong tea has been linked to lower blood sugar levels and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. This may be due to its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and decrease inflammation. 

    On the other hand, rose petals also have anti-diabetic properties that can lower blood sugar levels and prevent complications from diabetes. In this sense, making a habit out of drinking rose oolong can go a long way in maintaining the right sugar in your blood.  

    Moreover, both oolong tea and rose petals have anti-cancer effects. First, they inhibit tumor cell growth and spread by inducing apoptosis (cell death). Secondly, they prevent angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) which plays a huge role in the growth and spread of cancer. 



    Wrapping Up

    Rose oolong tea is a wonderful drink that can enhance your fitness in many ways. First up, it is an aromatic way to burn fat and lose weight. Indeed, the semi-oxidized drink from the Camella Sinensis evergreen shrub can boost your metabolism, hydrate, and aid weight loss.

    What’s more, it can improve your skin and hair, relieve menstrual pain and stress, and protect against diabetes and cancer. And the best part’s you can enjoy rose oolong tea hot or cold, with or without sweeteners, depending on your preference. 

    Try adding rose oolong tea to your daily routine and see how it improves your health and well-being. Best of all, slimming never tasted this good. 

    That’s why you should give yourself a floral break every now and then. The first day of May should be a great day for starting your rose oolong habit



    FAQs Rose Oolong Tea 

    Why is rose oolong tea good for slimming?

    Rose oolong is a splendid addition for people who want to lose weight, as it can boost the body’s rate of metabolism. Thus, it would be a perfect match for anyone’s fitness regime, as the drink can help burn fat faster. 


    How long should you steep rose oolong tea?

    Add boiling water to a rose oolong tea sachet and steep for 2-3 minutes. If you want a more robust aroma, add more tea; just ensure you increase the time you steep the cup for a bit longer, about 5-6 minutes. 


    Should you drink rose oolong before sleeping?

    Rose oolong should be avoided before sleeping as it contains caffeine. Although the caffeine in oolong is not as strong as coffee's, it could still get in the way of your sleep. A good time to consume oolong is before your workout. Drinking in the afternoon is also recommended to fight energy slumps. Of course, oolong can be a great way to open the morning.   


    How much caffeine is in oolong?

    The caffeine in oolong can vary depending on the processing. Usually, oolong tea has lesser caffeine than black tea but has more caffeine than green tea. That should be a good measure for you. 

    A cup of black tea can have as much as 45 to 70 mg of caffeine per cup, while a cup of green tea can have as low as 10 mg of caffeine per cup. Caffeine in oolong falls in between green tea and black tea.






