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Flower Oolong Tea Spa: Don’t Just Drink Them; Bath with Them For Best Results!

Flower Oolong Tea Spa: Don’t Just Drink Them; Bath with Them For Best Results!

Without a shadow of a doubt, flower oolong tea is a treasure trove of a drink to rejuvenate and refresh your body. For one, the caffeine in oolong can certainly wake your spirits up in no time. Plus, the tea concoction has been known the world over for its ability to fight mental illnesses and promote mental health. 

However, what may surprise you to know is that this particular tea from the Camella Sinensis  shrub can also strengthen your body topically from the outside — and not just as a drink to influence from the inside. Indeed, bathing with a flower oolong tea is one unique experience that would not only appeal to your senses right from the get-go but also is a sure-fire way to bring back your skin’s vitality. And rouse your body into action. In that sense, topical tea application should be one delightful service you should look forward to in your next spa appointment. 

Since medieval times, the spa has been associated with medicinal treatment with fresh natural water (e.g., springs) at the front and centre of it all. Throughout England’s history, legendary sparistas include such names as Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Florence Nightingale and even the world-renowned Queen Elizabeth I, a slew of famous people that caught the habit handed down by the ancient Romans and Greeks.

These days, you can up your spa experience and be sure that your needs are more than taken care of.  What’s even more interesting is you need not bury your head in the sand like a proverbial ostrich if you can’t find the time to drop by your fave spot. With the help of choice flower oolong tea, you can bring the spa experience right where you are —  in the inner comforts of home, for instance. And enjoy full health benefits. Read on. 


Spa and oolong tea

Oolong: Lifting the Spa Experience to Greater Heights

For centuries, there are but a few go-to places for people to feel physically better than a spa. To a large degree, it’s a magical spot where you come in tired or seemingly battered by the day’s work and yet come out invigorated and radically changed with all smiles. In short, ready to face the world. Truth be told, the belief in the transformative powers of water is alive and well in a spa. 


In a world that’s desperate for answers and longing, a spa treatment certainly is a timely option as the pandemic winds down. It’s timely. As the pandemic raged on, many in the United Kingdom had to endure grief and suffering that rocked the foundations of mental health for millions to the core. Small wonder demand for counselling and phone support swelled during pandemic times. 


A Brief History of Spa

Today’s spa offers a host of services that could make your head spin by its sheer numbers. With all sorts of personal care treatments in a day spa giving your body a lift, physically and mentally, has never been this enjoyable. Some of the most common are: 


  • Body massage
  • Waxing
  • Foot massage
  • Sauna treatment
  • Steam bath
  • Aromatherapy
  • Gua sha treatment,


Still, at the heart of it all is water. For one, the use of balneotherapy (the use of natural mineral waters) and hydrotherapy (water-based musculoskeletal rehab) often play a huge role in these spa treatments. Indeed, as one medical review cited “the use of water for treatment is as old as mankind.” 


It’s no accident the major religions of the world use water to denote transformation. While the simple act of doing laundry attests to how water can be an agent of change, water’s curative powers, specifically, that of mineral water, go back even to prehistoric times. 


  • The name itself, spa, has been derived from Spa, Belgium, a most popular tourist destination known the world over for its number of natural mineral springs. The place has been a welcome retreat even during ancient Roman times. 


Treating illnesses with spa therapy was popular even during the classical times. Hot springs in the Czech Republic and in France revealed weapons during the time of the Bronze Age. Great Britain’s Celtic kings centuries ago were associated with hot springs in Bath, England. 


But it was the Greeks who made systematic use of water treatment. They created bathing regimens (e.g., bathtubs, foot baths, washbasins) that the Romans saw and elevated to even greater heights. 



Pretty soon, the spa treatment became a choice destination for weary soldiers. Roman legionnaires, weary of wars, treat their wounds and relaxed their tired muscles using the nearest natural spring water they can find. 


In the U.K. today, a spa treatment is beginning to catch on again, after about a two-year hiatus due to the virus. People who have endured a seemingly neverending series of lockdowns and social distancing measures are finding joy once again in water therapy in the most iconic spa resorts and hotels all over the U.K


Over time, as the healing nature of tea came to the fore, many of the best spas in the world today serve tea as a complimentary drink. It didn’t take long for people to put two and two together. 


Spa and Oolong Tea Equals Perfect Combination

It’s a classic collaboration of healing from the outside and healing from the inside. Spa treatments meant to heal one’s body can surely be complemented by the health benefits of tea, flower oolong tea most especially. Since its first use over 5,000 years ago in China, tea has only served to increase its reputation as a health drink.


Take note, however, that flower oolong teas stand head higher than most other tea types. These aroma-enriched teas are putting another big come-on to tea drinking. In fact, if you’re serious about getting those washboard abs this summer, making a habit of drinking flower tea should be on top of your list. 


It’s all about the power of the olfactory nerves. The ability of the sweet fragrance offered by flower tea to enliven the tea experience a notch higher than usual speaks volumes about the power of smell. 


What’s more, oolong is notable for its L-theanine. The amino acid has been found to reduce anxiety while increasing alertness and attention.  Below are two cognitive diseases that are common in old age and another life-threatening disease that the semi-oxidised drink has been known to counter: 


How Oolong Fights the Disease Known Personalities with the Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
  • Studies show the L-theanine in oolong tea can minimise the risk of physiological changes associated with Parkinson’s disease

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the tea increases dopamine availability boosts motor behavioural abnormalities associated with old age

Alzheimer's Disease
  • An NUS study revealed that participants who make a habit of drinking oolong, green tea and black tea had 50% less chance of developing dementia later on in life.

  • Also, they are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s in old age.

Type 2 Diabetes

Table 1:  Best Oolong Health Benefits for the Brain and Fight Ageing


Oolong also boosts brain function via the caffeine present as it triggers the subsequent release of dopamine and norepinephrine, both hormones that elevate mood and lower stress. In addition, you have tea polyphenols which produce a calming effect on the mind putting your spa experience a notch higher. 


Thus, incorporating cuppa tea into your spa experience should be wise. Numerous studies have shown how making a regular habit of drinking tea could boost one’s immune system, combat inflammation and even ward off a slew of cancers and heart disease. 


Of course, all the health benefits are thanks to the army of bioactive compounds present in the Camella Sinensis tea leaves. Chief of which is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) along with antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. In short, you get medical protection against the onslaught of degenerative diseases with each cup. 


How to Apply Flower Oolong Tea Toward a Better You

While drinking tea has a long list of health benefits, applying the tea concoction to your skin in a bath is also equally beneficial. All those antioxidants and catechins present in tea would be a  waste if you don’t use them for your body’s biggest organ, the skin. A typical adult carries about 8 pounds of skin (3.6 kg) and 22 sq. ft (2 sqm) of it. 


Just think about it. When you take tea, you treat yourself to the drink’s immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. Now, imagine how much magic all these can bring to your skin. Take note that nutrients are bound to be absorbed faster via the skin compared to drinking it. 

Bath therapy with tea extract is an effective, safe, and non-steroidal therapy for the treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis associated with Malassezia sympodial.


It’s important therefore that you maximise the best elements of tea to put your skin at its best. In that regard, being able to choose the right tea for the job is paramount. 


The Three Flower Oolong Tea At Its Finest

Remember that flower oolong tea combines the best of tea and flowers. That means when you get into such a natural herbal bath you indulge in a great way to relieve tension and relax, in a spa therapy spot or even at home. You soothe aching muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation to chase away the cold. 


The unique blend of botanicals will enhance the soothing, calming effects of a warm bath. As research shows, oolong tea is chockful of antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities. That translate to a bath session that gives you skin anti-carcinogenic, immune-enhancing anti-inflammatory effects. 

Oologn Tea  Rose Mint Lavender 

Plus, flower tea oolong’s aromatherapeutic effects with its sweet scents would elevate the bath experience to a whole new level. The following table shows the three best flower tea combinations: 


Choice Flower Characteristics Flower Oolong Tea End Product
  • Rose gives you the goddess glow. Not only does it smells so good but its petals carry therapeutic benefits that help relax the body, promote glowing skin and even reduce stress.

  • Potent relaxing effect. A calming floral cup.

  • Plus, rose petals harbour natural sugars and oils that lock in moisture to dry skin. Even better, it supports the skin’s natural collagen production.

Rose Oolong Tea
  • Lavender has become one of the most beloved scents today that’s synonymous with serenity and spiritual calm.

  • Promotes relaxation and relieves stress. Sought after for its soothing capacity.

  • It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects and the plant itself has been used as medicine.

Lavender Oolong Tea
  • Mind leaves are a mild astringent to skin toning your it naturally. Plus, it clears off dead skin cells revamping your skin to a supple, smoother and well-hydrated tone.

  • Known to soothe the body and calm the mind. Great as a smooth and organic morning cup.

  • As it tightens the pores, mint locks in moisture. Best of all, it smells strong-scented yet so cool and refreshing.

Mint Oolong Tea


Table 2: The Three Finest Flower Tea Oolong for Bathing 


Each of these flower combos is a treat. So, trying all three out would surely give you the chance to find out which works best for you. A commendable method for you to do that and save on the dollar is to buy the combo three-in-one flower oolong tea pack


In Chinese culture, flowers have some of the strongest life force or qi. In this connection, traditional Chinese medicine has used them as part and parcel of many healing regimens. 


Likewise, Western medicine has identified the relaxing and healing nature of flowers. A tea bath ensures you get the health benefits of all the antioxidants present in tea right away — faster than when you drink it. Below are added benefits of applying flower oolong tea to your skin: 


  • Helps prevent acne
  • Helps the healing of a host of skin conditions
  • Reduce dandruff
  • Improves psoriasis
  • Negates the damaging effect of free radicals
  • Promotes skin rejuvenation
  • Promotes sun damage repair
  • Promotes skin tone balance
  • Soothes stressed skin
  • Promotes healing of open wounds and sores
  • Help delay skin ageing
  • Detoxify skin


Take note that all these make a tea bath one great organic bath option for babies and young kids. It’s all for your skin’s best, especially if you’re dealing with skin rashes, dry skin or an inflamed, itchy one. 


Sample Tea Applications for Home

Well, the good news is having a floral tea bath doesn't need rocket science. You can always concoct one at home. The advantage is you can do it anytime immediately after work or as you begin your day. Plus, you need not worry about having too much tea as it’s a bath, unlike when you drink tea. Best of all, you can configure things to your delight. 

Start with two basic ingredients. After you master the flow, feel free to add other ingredients to your next bathtub session.


  • 1 quart of boiling water

  • A sachet of flower oolong tea


  1. Bring the water to a boil. Afterwhich, pour the hot liquid over your choice flower oolong tea. You may also use more than one sachet. As this is a bath, you need not worry about overdosing.

  2. Cover the concoction and let steep for 20 minutes.

  3. Consequently, strain the hot liquid. You can use a cheesecloth or a tea strainer or if you do not have one, an old shirt should come in handy.

  4. Once done, add the tea to a full, warm bath directly. You can also make use of Epsom salts for a full relaxation treat.

The aroma of the flower oolong tea should be inviting you to take a dip in the waters. Moreover, the reinvigorating smell should give you a pleasant bathing experience.

Before you take a full dip, check the water temperature. Make sure it’s to your liking. To get the most out of your bath, soak for at least 20 minutes.

You can also combine two or three distinct flower oolong teas to suit your tastes. Rose, mint and lavender flower teas are noted not only for their aroma but also for their calming and soothing effects on the body.

Jasmine tea is perfect if you want to relax as it’s soothing and it’s one great way to improve the texture and appearance of your skin. Mint tea, on the other hand, stimulates the skin and promotes healing. Lavender has such a calming effect, it’s considered spiritual.

If you want to get rid of excess oil in your skin while at the same time, exfoliating, then a creamy tea mask is spot-on. Flower oolong tea would be a great fit. However, you may also experiment with other tea types.


  • 3 tablespoons rice flour
  • 1 tea bag or loose tea from brewing
  • 3 tablespoons tea, brewed and cooled


  1. Using a small bowl, empty the tea leaves coming from your tea ball or tea strainer. You can also cut open the tea bag that you used to brew your tea.

  2. Add to the mix tea and flour, stirring so as to form a thick paste. To get the consistency to your liking, put in more tea or flour. It’s best to use the mask right away but if you choose to store it, store it in the fridge via a sealed container. That should last several days.

  3. Apply the resulting mask to your face as thickly as possible. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. Or, you can also wait until the concoction dries.

  4. Wash off with a cloth and warm water using a circular motion.

  5. Cap it all with moisturiser or a tea toner.

A flower oolong tea toner would be great to cleanse, soothe and refresh tired skin. Here, you can put in the mix of essential oil blends of your choosing.


  • 1/4 cup flower oolong tea, brewed and cooled

  • 1-2 drops essential oil

  • 1/4 cup witch hazel


  1. Combine all the ingredients using a spray bottle or a small jar.

  2. Don’t use it immediately. Instead, store the blend for up to one week in the fridge.

  3. When ready to use, shake well. Use a cotton ball or spritz to apply.

As wide as the transformative power of oolong tea is, your skin is bound to feel refreshed when you apply it topically. It’s no surprise there are tons of ways to make the most of tea for external use.


5 Other Topical Applications of Tea

If you think that tea application is only good for bathing, then you need to think again. Certainly, there are myriad ways the concoction can benefit your bday. Below are other ways you can make the most of oolong tea without having to drink it. 


  1. Stunning Hair Colour

Have you ever wanted to colour your hair pitch black? Well, tea could be the answer for you. Towards that end, add oolong tea to henna (black tea will also do) and watch how different the outcome is. You should stand witness to more intense colour. 


  1. Timely Hair Rinse

Oolong is an amazing hair cleanser. To stop your beautiful tresses from shedding, brew oolong, then let the infusion cool afterwards. Once the temperature is down, spray it to your crowning glory. It should cleanse your scalp leaving you a lustrous set of locks. 


  1. Spot-on Fix for Chapped Lips

You can use a mild oolong or green tea for this routine. The tea is capable of alleviating the sting brought about by chapped and dry lips. It’s simple actually. Just soak your tea bag in lukewarm water and apply it to your affected lips. You should see the burning sensation stop as the C. Sinensis leaves do their part: bring moisture. 


  1. Powerful Face Cleanser

For best results, use less-oxidised oolong or white tea. Thanks to all the nutrients flower tea contain, the skin can be purified and enriched. Brew your choice tea and then make sure to separate the actual brew and the leaves. Now, create a thick paste by blending those moistened tea leaves using a blender. Let cool and apply as a face mask to give your skin a healthy glow. 


  1. Soaks Up Excess Oil

This is really good for flower teas as they come packed with a slew of beneficial oils. Plus, they are notable for their antimicrobial properties giving skin extra protection to soak up excess oil. Brew your choice flower tea, then let cool. Once at the right temperature, apply to oily skin, acne-prone areas should be top of that list. As the concoction combats pimple-causing bacteria, you should have a clean face for the longest. 


Wrapping it All Up

The army of antioxidants and plant nutrients (e.g., polyphenols) that oolong harbours, will benefit your body and soul. It doesn’t matter if it’s taken as a tea drink or applied topically. You have a treasure of health benefits waiting for you and everyone in the family. 


For one, oolong can be extremely helpful in achieving a leaner body that’s closer to those washboard abs you can flaunt in the beach this summer. And if you choose to, you can just sit back and relax in your bathtub, keeping the stress to the utmost minimum while relaxing your body and reviving your skin and hair to the utmost maximum. Just like a spa treatment would. In short, let the best version of you out with flower oolong tea by your side. 


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