Our Values

Oriental Tea Box Company Values: Let the Tea-volution Begin!
Right from the onset, we’ve set out to provide the best tea experience in the world ever. And that means committing ourselves day in and day out to bring ethically sourced quality tea to the market that puts a premium on sustainability — but doesn’t carry the burden of gut-wrenching exorbitant prices.
Indeed, we want to elevate your daily cuppa experience to new levels without burning a hole in your wallet. Above and beyond, that translates to being constantly on the lookout for customer feedback and better ways to bring about customer satisfaction.
In short, we’re here to spark a tea revolution. Here are the bolts and nuts.

Commitment to Quality
Commitment to Quality
Well, it’s plain and simple: You can never have a quality tea experience if you don’t have quality tea. With that in mind, we’ve established a rigorous process to ensure we only put top-quality green, white, black, or oolong tea products. And that means doing what’s necessary despite the obstacles involved.
Take, for instance, our high-mountain oolong or gaoshan tea.
While growing Camella Sinensis shrubs at sea level is rather easy, we source our gaoshan from mountains as high as 5,000 feet. It’s no accident our tea leaves come from Taiwan, an island with the largest number and density of mountains worldwide.
Plus, we don’t rely on machines to pick the tea leaves; rather, we handpick them so you only get what’s best for your overall tea consumption.
It’s definitely a lot of work. But all that foggy weather at high altitudes and TLC (tender loving care) means one thing: the best oolong on the planet. And a cuppa of our high-mountain oolong should speak for itself.

Promotion of Tea Culture
Promotion of Tea Culture
It’s hard to spread the love of tea if the product is beyond reach, fetching skyrocketing prices worthy only of royalty. That’s precisely why we’ve made it a point to drive our prices down so quality tea comes with affordability for all.
Secondly, we’ve endeavored to promote tea culture by considering the tea farmers' welfare. We ensure that the people who labored and did the hard work growing the tea shrubs are cared for, getting their fair share of the business.
Lastly, mindful of how preparing and drinking tea can have such an enchanting appeal that turns minutes into hours, we’ve come up with various products that help bring about such a magical tea experience. Then again, we aim to raise the bar on tea consumption without the heavy price tags.
For one, our tea ceremony sets are bound to captivate your discerning tastes like no other. So you get to add some more of that relaxing boost to your morning tea routine. And spend as much time with your free time drinking a cuppa with your loved ones without breaking the bank.

Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing
With a planet getting hotter than usual and plastic pollution plaguing humanity, sustainability is simply a topic we cannot ignore. So, rather than thinking solely about our bottom line, we’ve incorporated sustainable business practices that put a premium on Earth’s well-being right from Day 1.
This means putting into the picture those industrious farmers who climb the mountains, labor and sweat to grow and process Camella Sinensis leaves to make a quality cuppa reach everyone’s kitchen table.
We’ve taken the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to heart. For starters, we market single-origin and fair-trade tea.
Single-origin tea allows you to trace the farm from which the tea you’re consuming has been processed. Meaning: You can give credit to the farmers on that particular farm. Catering to single-origin tea ensures these farmers continue producing top-quality tea products.
Simply put, fair-trade tea observes the fair-trade minimum price. By marketing fair-trade tea, we support even small-scale farmers who may not have the connections and clout to sell the products themselves. Doing so ensures these small-time farmers flourish as they profit from the sweat of their labor.
This shows how we practice ethical sourcing, ensuring that everyone we do business with, from direct suppliers to supply chain professionals, gets their due credit.
Below are some examples of how we make sustainability happen in our business organization:
We do away with machinery and handpick our tea leaves when harvesting.
We do not use pesticides or herbicides to cultivate our tea leaves.
We only partner with experts and farm owners who value sustainability and a circular economy as much as we do.
It’s no surprise that many of the tea products are SGS certified. To date, SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) is a world leader in the inspection, verification, testing, and certification of products.
Our SGS certification means that our tea products are free from the toxic chemicals common to products that utilize pesticides and herbicides. In short, we market high-quality tea leaves that are worth every penny.

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction
Customer Feedback and Satisfaction
But we are well aware that it all boils down to customer satisfaction. To do that, we keep our ears to the ground. We put a premium on what you have to say; what’s more, we take your customer feedback seriously.
To boot, we provide means by which you, our dear customers, can speak your mind. Not only do we constantly solicit customer feedback in our online presence and via social media, but we also evaluate them thoroughly.
Communication is key to attaining that much-sought-after tea experience that we long for. As your palates hold the key, your experience is central to it all. For you deserve to have the best, no doubt.
It’s taxing. But to elevate your tea experience, we must not leave everything to chance. This is the only way to move forward.
Yes, we’ve committed ourselves to excellence to spark a tea revolution. And we are well aware. The only way to attain true customer satisfaction is to lend you our ears always.
So you’ll know. We’re not just here to give you the best tea products in the market today; we’re here to give you a lifestyle of health and longevity.
Let the tea-volution begin!