How To Enjoy Bubble Tea At Home

Bubble tea is not hard to make
Of course, you may not make a good one from the onset but after some time, your skill level should improve. And your prospects of sipping an oh-so-delicious boba tea increase.
Here are 3 sought-after bubble tea recipes from all over the world. And how you can make each one of them.

Persian Rose Milk Tea Recipe Below
Below is a classic twist of the boba drink from the Middle East. You
should be wowed by the exotic rose fragrance adding lots of fun to this sought-after drink.
● Tea preparation. Steep tea (loose-leaf) in prepped hot water, then let cool until water is lukewarm. If, however, you’re using tea bags, put them aside before you go to the next step.
● Transfer the tea concoction into a glass. For loose-leaf, use a
strainer. Pour in your milk and sweeteners (sugar syrup). Also, put
drops of rose water. Stir slowly.
● Put in the mix of your cooked tapioca pearls.
● Add ice cubes and top with a stunning swirl of the whipped cream. Put in dried rose petals and if you want slivered pistachios.
Ingredients (2 serving)
● hot water (450 ml)
● 5g Assam tea or any loose black tea (or 2 black tea bags)
● Milk (150 ml of soy or dairy milk)
● 1-2 drops of rose water every serving
● Cooked tapioca pearls, preferably black (120g)
● Whipped cream
● Ice (cubes).

Japanese Matcha TEA RECIPE BELOW
Almost every tea in Japan is green tea. So it’s no accident we have Japanese matcha as one of the most ordered cups in the Asian nation. Japan’s love for Matcha can be seen in its cakes and chocolates.
● Tea preparation. Put the milk in a jug. Afterwhich, add your matcha powder to the mix. Whisk with vigor until such time your matcha powder has been dissolved. Stir into concoction you double cream.
● Sweeten by adding sugar syrup. Taste to your liking.
● Put in the mix your cooked tapioca pearls.
● Pour over your prepped matcha latte. Add ice to cool.
Ingredients (2 serving)
● Matcha green tea (2 tablespoons)
● Double cream (4 tbsps.)
● Milk (500 ml of soy or dairy milk)
● Sugar syrup (2tbsp.)
● Cooked tapioca pearls, preferably black (120g)
● Ice (cubes)

Brazilian Mojito Iced Boba TEA RECIPE BELOW
Rio is a haven for life. It may well be the capital of South America. To note, mojitos have been a classic cocktail coming from Brazil. The alcohol-free boba recipe below should quench your third.
● Tea preparation. Steep tea (loose-leaf) in prepped hot water, then let cool until water is lukewarm. If, however, you’re using tea bags, put them aside before you go to the next step.
● Transfer the tea concoction into a glass. For loose-leaf, use a
strainer. Pour in your lime juice and sweeteners (sugar syrup).
Crush the mint leaves a bit and add them to the concoction. Stir
for a bit then leave for a minute or two.
● Pour the resulting mixture into two glasses. Make sure you strain out those mint leaves. Add cold water then pour in the tapioca and cool some more by adding more ice cubes.
● Garnish using a sprig of your prepared fresh mint and one slice of lime.
Ingredients (2 serving)
● Loose black tea (5 g)
● Hot water (300 ml)
● Lime juice (40 ml.)
● Coldwater (200 ml)
● Fresh mint leaves (15 g)
● Sugar syrup (40 ml.)
● Cooked tapioca pearls, preferably
black (120g)
● Ice (cubes)
● Lime slices