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Qayoom Doond(Sozni Kashmir)

Qayoom Doond was born in and artisan family here in Kashmir in a remote place where he grew up in the lap of Mother Nature with umpteen colours around. Right from his childhood he was in company of master craftsmen where he understood the beautiful and world of renowned arts and crafts of Kashmir. He has taken a vow that he would serve as an ambassador and take these wonderful handicrafts to every nook and corner of the world wherever the conaseuires of art are. He has a passion to promote only genuine handicrafts of Kashmir. He travels far and wide in Kashmir to collect the masterpieces from the genuine and master craftsmen. That is perhaps the reason that he has a fabulous collection of Handicrafts particularly Shawls and Kani Shawls. His collection is of the purest quality and he guarantees its authenticity.

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