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Go Wild: 3 Irresistible Gifts Uncultivated Wild Tea Puts on the Table

Go Wild: 3 Irresistible Gifts Uncultivated Wild Tea Puts on the Table

Wild tea could be nature’s best gift to you — something you need to open up as quickly as possible. Assuming you’re on the prowl for longevity and quality living. 

While green tea, black tea, and oolong offer boatloads of health benefits, not to mention unparalleled quality bonding with friends and family, these may pale in comparison to uncultivated tea. We're talking about taking strides in: 

  • Cancer prevention
  • Minimizing CVD (cardiovascular disease) risks
  • Boosting immune function
  • Normalizing blood pressure
  • Minimizing the risk of diabetes

But hold your horses. Before you rush forward and grab the first bag of wild tea you can find in the market today, know not every tea labeled as wild is authentic. Only a select few pass the mark, and the rest could be trying hard copycats. 

No worries. In this post, we will uncover uncultivated tea’s secrets for you and everyone’s benefit. Specifically, we’ll show you its essence and three irresistible gifts drinking wild tea puts on the table. Indeed, it’s high time you go wild! Read on.




wild tea tree with womanWhat Is Wild Tea?


Truth be told, you can only produce the best tea from choice Camella Sinensis shrubs. It’s one secret that any tea expert worth his name in salt knows by heart. Reason enough why gaoshan tea or high-mountain oolong are most sought after. 


And this is where wild tea excels the most. Technically, wild teas are teas harvested from wild Camella Sinensis trees. Yes, you heard that right. If left to their own devices and not tended, evergreen tea shrubs grow to become trees. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tea bushes can grow as high as 45 feet tall if left undisturbed. It will take years, but some existing tea trees in Yunnan, China, are estimated to be thousands of years old


However, over time wild tea has come to mean many things. But today, the term refers to tea coming from three distinct locations: 


1. Indigenous or Native Tea Plants


Native tea plants that have grown for years without human intervention could best fit the definition of wild tea trees. You could say they’re planted by nature itself. 


The ancient tea trees in Yunnan, China, are a prime example. For one, deep in the jungle of Yunnan in the village of Lincang, you’ll find these trees still standing for over 3,000 years. Call them the most authentic type. 


2. Forest Grown Tea Plants


The second type of wild tea is those purposely grown deep in the forest, their natural habitat. These plants are introduced and cultivated by the human hand and are considered wild by where they’re grown. 


In comparison, native tea plants are left undisturbed, only harvested. So, the difference lies in the degree of human intervention.


3. Minimally Pruned Tea Plants


Lastly, tea plants that are “minimally pruned” are also considered “wild.” These plants are allowed to grow naturally into trees, spreading out as they please. 


Though largely undisturbed, these wild tea trees are under closer watch than the other types. Usually, they’re grown on farms or in somewhat controlled environments — not in forests.   


WARNING: Not all wild tea products sold today are created equal. Counterfeit do exists. So, finding a trusted vendor is better than relying on a label. 




 tea leave on the bowl

3 Distinct Gifts from Wild Tea Trees


If you’re wondering why wild tea is the most sought-after and highly valued, fret no more. The reasons below should get you going. 


Not only does wild tea harbor more antioxidant content than cultivated tea, but also, its tastes are distinctively far more unique. All these serve only to give you greater health benefits. 



1. Wild tea is free of toxic chemicals


Being free of pesticides could be the biggest of all the good things that wild tea puts on the table. Grown deep in the forest means they get access to the best care nature can give them — free from human hands. And that means free from the harmful effects of pesticides. 


While pesticides and herbicides may provide a quick way to deal with pests, they contain toxic chemicals. Not only do they harm the soil and its surroundings, but also they are harmful to humans. 


Studies reveal pesticides have been linked to a string of human diseases. Among these are: 


  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
  • Brain cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Ovarian cancer


Worse, pesticides could bring forth reproductive harm resulting in birth defects, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, infertility, and sterility. 


Using pesticides on tea is no exemption. Residues of these pesticides have been shown to transfer to the leaves of the Camella Sinensis plant. Not only does this compromise the quality of the tea product but also, but it also poses untoward risks to tea consumers, research reveals. 



2. Wild tea trees get access to nature’s best nutrients


When tea shrubs grow in the best natural environment, they are exposed to the “care of nature.” Simply put, nature’s biological processes are put into action. 


To boot, you have birds eating insects instead of pesticides taking care of these pests. And instead of human hands or machinery loosening the soil, small animals get the job done. 


As a result, you have more nutrients and higher oxygen content in the soil. Indeed, forest soil is much more nutrient-rich than traditional agricultural lands, all thanks to nature. For one, the decomposing leaves at the soil surface play a central role. 


3. Wild tea trees have stronger roots


The process of wild tea production can be laborious. Think of the picking. You don’t have shrubs that you can pick with your hand while walking; instead, you need to climb these tea trees and reach for the leaves. 


But it’s all worth it. The process of not harming the plant’s natural habitat will give you huge dividends. 


As tea trees have stronger roots, they get access to far more nutrients down in the soil than the roots of tea shrubs. 


In short, they penetrate the soil deeper. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: On the other end of the spectrum, trees improve the soil’s water retention capability more than crops.


The results are nothing short of amazing. Wild tea not only satisfies your palate more, but it also gives you greater prospects at wellness. 


So, what are you waiting for? Go wild!


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