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Vintage Oolong Tea: More Gallic Acid Magic Coming Right Up in a Cup

Vintage Oolong Tea: More Gallic Acid Magic Coming Right Up in a Cup

Vintage oolong is a gift from the gods. As tall as that claim is, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Just pour expertly processed aged oolong into your favorite cup. Then take a sip to shoot your palate into a whole new world of delicious mouthwatering experiences

But that’s not even the best part. No, sir. 

Not only will you find oolong that has been expertly stored for years much yummier than your day-to-day oolong, but it’s also oozing with more phenolic antioxidants — specifically, gallic acid (GA). 

However you look at it, it’s a win-win scenario you shouldn’t miss. 

Confused? Don’t be. 

In this post, we’re walking you through the nitty-gritty about vintage oolong and how it can wake your gastronomic senses like never before. More importantly, we’ll reveal how the drink oozes with Gallic acid and all the health goodies the wondrous antioxidant brings for the whole family. Read on. 



The Magic that Vintage Oolong Brings to the Table


If you think vintage oolong is akin to vintage cars that everyone longs for as a classic collection, you have a point there. Side-by-side, vintage oolong can really make ordinary oolong look shabby. Here’s why: 



Taiwan’s high mountain

Vintage Oolong is Aged in Time


Simply put, vintage oolong is an oolong tea that has been aged through the years. Indeed, oolong is bound to mesmerize you with its sweet taste and fruity aroma. But while oolong teas set themselves apart as semi-oxidized teas from the fully oxidized black teas and the much fresher, unoxidized green tea leaves, aged oolong pushes the envelope even further. .


For starters, vintage oolong can seriously challenge the superior taste of ordinary oolong — so much so that you might call it oolong on steroids. Seriously. That’s because we’re talking about out-of-this-world craftsmanship here. 


Already, oolong (not aged) demands an intricate method of production mastered only by a select few artisans. Plus, they must be sourced from specific types of tea bushes growing in the most ideal locations on the planet. 


IMPORTANT NOTE:  It’s no accident Taiwan’s high mountain oolong or gaoshan, is much-coveted and sought-after worldwide, however rare.


But aged oolong takes such a rigorous process even further:  


  • Vintage oolong leaves are made to last years 
  • Leaves are roasted before aging to keep moisture away 
  • They need to be kept in clay and re-roasted yearly to handle moisture and better the flavors


It’s reported some vintage oolong aged over 20 years. All the effort, however, does not come out in vain. It comes with tons of benefits.


Oolong tea with tea background

Aged Oolong Has More Gallic Acid in a Cup


First and foremost, tea connoisseurs and lovers worldwide would jump for joy and celebrate aged oolong for its supreme taste. The long storage that lasts for years has served to better its taste, far surpassing that of ordinary oolong. 


Secondly, and most importantly, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in oolong (the phenolic antioxidant known to boost health), produces the mighty gallic acid when oolong is aged. Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of both oolong and vintage oolong confirm that. 


And that can make all the difference for you. Gallic acid is a treasure trove for health, starting with your heart, a study by the Institute of Biotechnology of National Chung Hsing University affirms that. 



woman with tea

3 Gallic Acid Health Benefits You Shouldn’t Miss


Vintage oolong is quite incomparable when it comes to taste. Its delightfully sweet yet mellow and smooth taste is bound to captivate you and the whole family. 


But more than that, the health benefits the aged drink puts on the table should make drinking it a bygone conclusion —  thanks primarily to gallic acid.


1. Promotes Cardio Health


Gallic acid is a phenolic antioxidant. Meaning, it’s a bioactive compound found mostly in plants. In our case, from vintage oolong. Though your ordinary oolong also has its fair share of GA, aged oolong simply carries more. 


One of the most significant benefits of gallic acid is its ability to ward off heart failure. Increasing evidence reveals that the natural compound works to minimize: 


  • Hypertension
  • Cardiac hypertrophy
  • Vascular calcification


All of these health complications contribute to heart failure. For one, research on rats with induced heart failure showed that GA greatly ensures a healthy heart. 

KEY DATA: WHO (World Health Organization) data shows that heart disease remains the #1 killer disease worldwide. It claimed nearly 9 million lives in 2019, which used to be just over 2 million in 2000.


2. Fights Cancer


Truth be told, gallic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Research points out that the strong antioxidant nature of GA could be the reason for its anticancer solid benefits. 


For instance, a study done on mango peel shows that its gallic content is largely responsible for the food’s antiproliferative activity against cancer. Simply put, this means GA has a distinctive ability to help arrest the “growth and spread” of dreaded cancer. 

KEY DATA: Cancer is another top killer disease worldwide, claiming nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 worldwide.


3. Protects the Brain


If you want to maximize brain health, vintage oolong and its tons of gallic acid could be your lifesaver. Once again, science is attributing the powerful antioxidant nature of gallic acid to be the reason why it helps protect the brain. 


A number of studies have revealed that gallic acid promotes brain function by reducing oxidative damage and reducing inflammation. For one, the phenolic compound could be a significant deterrent against stroke


Even more astonishing, one study on animals strongly indicated that gallic acid can protect memory function after a traumatic brain injury. For instance, it is revealed that GA is essential in limiting the cognitive impairment of rats with traumatic brain injury (TBI). 


That should be good news for people with:

  • dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease (AD), and 
  • those suffering from brain degeneration due to diabetes. 


And did we mention aged oolong has far less caffeine than any other tea type? That’s true. Indeed, this tells you it’s about time you take a sip from a cuppa of vintage oolong

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